Welcome To My Shiny New E-commerce Blog

Welcome to this shiny new wordpress blog. I’ll be using it as another great place to blog. I have few blogs already for the following topics:

  1. E-commerce Blog
  2. amazon associates
  3. online shopping
  4. web development
  5. information technology
  6. Google Adsense
  7. Website Marketing

Anyway, those are a few of the hot topics I’ll be discussing on this blog. I hope that you’ll take an opportunity to subscribe to this blog if you like it, feel free to comment on our posts, and feel free to put us in your blog roll if you want to really be cool.

I’m a web developer (php) for a small start-up called EcommerceForEveryone.com , we specialize in Amazon Associate Websites. I like to blog about my day to day experiences with my work and interesting industry news. I started getting interested in e-commerce several years ago, about the same time that I thought, wow, it’d be cool to have a computer related job (back in 1996).

I work with lots of amazon associates helping them to brand and market their e-commerce sites. Its lots of hard and fun work. I’m working on a Amazon Associates Video Podcast too. I just started doing the videos recently, but they’ve been getting a fair amount of views.

This has been post#1 on this craptastic, I mean fantabulous wordpress blog (are those even words).
